It's time for some racing action in Manassas,VA
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The history that followed is astounding and voluminous; there isn’t space here to do it justice. Isn’t it true even to this day that no matter what your motorsports interests were you could find it at this remarkable place. This history while significant in so many ways isn’t the Legacy. The Legacy lives with us, our memories, the joy we received, the people we met, the competitors that raced here and the sport we all enjoyed so much at this great place. Facilities are simply bricks and mortar; it’s the people that mean so much. That’s the real story of Old Dominion and its fabulous history that will live on forever.
In February, it’s off to Daytona for our annual trip to NASCAR and our track meetings. We met Don Hawk, the new Dodge Weekly Series Director. We talked with Brian France in the parking lot; he even knew our names, very impressive, and our encounter with Buddy Baker at the dinner. At the restaurant that evening, I’m sitting next to Chris Economaki, the legendary TV Sports Announcer. He’s telling me about his long-term announcing career at Old Dominion Speedway and his high regard for the Gore family. I didn’t know it, did you?, that Chris Economaki was Old Dominion’s announcer for many years. Cari and I even talked with the “It’s Got A Hemi” guy in the Dodge Commercials as he drove away in a not released yet Dodge Charger.

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Welcome to Old Dominion Speedway. Click on the buttons to the left to find out about all the series and events run at ODS. Almost every Friday and Saturday night (and some Wednesdays and Sundays), from April through October, we are racing at ODS. ODS is Washington DC’s place for motorsports.
Welcome to Old Dominion Speedway. Click on the buttons to the left to find out about all the series and events run at ODS. Almost every Friday and Saturday night (and some Wednesdays and Sundays), from April through October, we are racing at ODS. ODS is Washington DC’s place for motorsports.